Tuesday 13 November 2018

Checking swap space: 0 MB available, 1535 MB required. Failed

  •      I am trying to install "Oracle developer suite 10g"  on windows xp/7/10, while installing iam getting below error,
  •        skip this error using "-ignoreSysPrereqs" also not resolved we will get this error later while installating.
I get the following error.

Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking installer requirements...

Checking operating system version: must be  5.0, 5.1 or 5.2 .    Actual 5.1

Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors .    Actual

4294967296     Passed

Checking swap space: 0 MB available, 1535 MB required. 

Some requirement checks failed. You must fulfill these  requirements before

continuing with the installation,  at which  time they will be rechecked.

 Continue? (y/n) [n]

Start - Settings -Control Panel - System - Advanced System
 Settings - Advanced - Performance -settings - Advanced - 
Virtual Memory / Change)
 choose the custom size set it as 512-2048
After changing the values restart is required.

Monday 12 November 2018

[INS-30131] Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed

Initial setup required for the execution of installer validation failed.

I tried to deploy the Oracle 12c client 32 bits on Windows 64 bits and I got the error from above right after the I chose the type of the installation.

As per above image, the cause of it is – ” Failed to access temporary location”

We an simply ignore prerequisite using below command.

setup.exe -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.client.validate.clientSupportedOSCheck=false"

Now it will work fine.