Saturday, 2 October 2021

How to open oracle application forms in MS Edge(Internet Explorer is going retired)

 How to Open oracle EBS application forms and report in MS Edge(Due to Internet explorer is going to retired on June 2022).

Step to follow,

1.Open MS Edge browser then open browser setting - select default browser options - right side "internet explorer compatability"

Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode  option change to Allow

Let Internet Explorer open sites in Microsoft Edge option change to Allow.

Then restart the browser,

2.Enter the oracle application login link in the browser  then browser right corner click on the 3 dots then choose the "Reload the internet explorer mode" option.Browser will be refresh.


Now you can able to login and open the forms on MS edge brower.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Enable/disable users in fnd_user table (FND_USER_package)

To Enable /disable application users in fnd_user table using fnd_user_package.

To enable or diable single user in fnd_user table.

fnd_user_pkg.enableuser(username=>'lc_user_name') ;

To enable or disable multiple users in fnd_user tables(remove or add end_date)
FOR i in (select * from fnd_user where user_name in ('user1','user2','user3'))
fnd_user_pkg.enableuser(username=> i.user_name );

You have encountered an unexpected error,please contact system administrator(disable/enable fnd_user end_dates)

 You have encountered an unexpected error,please contact system administrator,

While opening oracle R12 application url login , we getting above error,

"You have encountered an unexpected error,please contact system administrator".

This is happen due to disable and enable user end_dates in fnd_user table using updates scripts.

Answer: 1

Please try to disable and enable user end_dates in fnd_user table using fnd_user_packages,

fnd_user_pkg.enableuser(username=>'lc_user_name') ;

Answer : 2

Try to disable and enable the user end_dates from application front end.

Above 2 solutions will resolve this issue. "You have encountered an unexpected error,please contact system administrator".

Please try to clear your internet explorer cache and cookies ,close and reopen the browser.

You must install the J2SE Plugin version 1.6.0_25. To install this plugin, (error)

While opening oracle r12 application forms, we get stuck with below error,

In order to access this application, you must install the J2SE Plugin version 1.6.0_25. To install this plugin, click here to download the oaj2se.exe executable. Once the download is complete, double-click the oaj2se.exe file to install the plugin. You will be prompted to restart your browser when the installation is complete.

Eventhough we installed java 6 if we got this error ,

Please add the application domain link to the compatability settings,

Internet explorer > open oracle r12 application url page > select settting/tools > drop down list choose the view compatability settings > add the application domain link > close.

Now it will open oracle forms.