Wednesday 30 August 2017

Recover SYS account password!!!!

While installing/creating oracle database , we will provide the schema password for all user is same like "oracle",, due to some reasons we forgot to noted down the password given for schema users while installing oracle DB.

After that iam connecting to sys schema to startup the database its says login denied(password incorrect),due to some reason iam not possible to use the option 

"connect / as sysdba".


 sqlplus / as sysdba
 SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 30 15:39:05 2017
 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

we have lost/forgot newly created oracle database sys account password,To recover sys account password we have several options to recover sys user password.

We can recover sys account password using following options:

Use a another SYSDBA user account

Use orapwd utlity
Rebuild the schema in a new database

Normally you can reset the schema user password:

To recover a password in Oracle, simply connect under command line mode on the server: 

#sqlplus /nolog      
SQL>conn / as sysdba      
SQL>alter user Username identified by PASSWORD;
But iam not able to use this option,due to some iam orapwd utility to reset the sys account password.

ORAPWD utility:

Using this orapwd utility we can reset the sys account password.

Password file should be under <orahome>\database\PWD<SID>.ora. 
Delete it and run the Oracle password utility from the command prompt:

ORAPWD file=<oracle_home>\database\PWD<SID>.ora password="password" entries="however many"
The <password> is your new sys password. After you log in as sys you can change it and create new passwords for system. 

Now we can able to connect sys account using newly created password.
Another options to reset the sys account password,

Optionally if you have another sysdba account reset the sys account password using this account.

Rebuild the schema to new database:

Create a new database with known sys password then export/import the schema to new database.

Best Regards.

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