Sunday 16 April 2023

Change/increase oracle User ICX:Session Timeout In E-Business Suite 12.2/12.1

ICX:Session Timeout to change the session Timeout in Oracle Apps R122 version:

Increase oracle forms session timeout in r122

To change oracle forms session time out via "ICX:session Timeout" Profile in oracle application.

ICX:Session Timeout is a profile provided in Oracle apps which controls the time for which a session is valid. Post that time out limit, the user gets below error.

Log on session is no longer valid. Would you like to log back in so you can continue working? If you do not log in, any outstanding data changes in your forms will not be saved.

When the user clicks on the Yes button, App opens the login page. Enter the password and login again to continue. Click No to exit from the current session.

30 minutes is the value of this profile in any production instance. It is fine for production instance but for development instance, this may not be ideal, as you will repeatedly get this message and you need to log in again and again.

Just increase the value of this profile to avoid the timeout message.

Set ICX:Session Timeout profile

Now let me show how you can change this profile. You can set this profile at the site or user level. It is always better to set at the user level.

Log in to Oracle Apps Instance. Navigate to System Administrator->Profile->System. Query profile the ICX:Session Timeout for the user. The default value is 30 and is set at the site level. We are going to set it a user level.

Enter the new value greater than 30 and click on Save.

Log off and log in again.

This will make sure that your Oracle apps session will never time out in a smaller interval.


ICX:Session Timeout provides an easy way to increase the session limit. It is good to increase only in development or test instance, but production let it be default 30.

This tip should work for both Oracle App 11i and R12 release. I hope you found this small tip useful. Please share and subscribe.

To set the User Session Timeout, test the following steps in a development instance and then migrate accordingly:

If suppose we executed autoconfig on application again default value 30 will be added to "ICX:session Timeout" Profile.

So we need to change the value in autoconfig file itself.

1.If R12.2 EBS instance view  $CONTEXT_FILE change the value for vairable "s_sessiontimeout" in config file then execute the in oracle application.

That will update the "ICX: Session Timeout" Profile in applications.

2.If R12.1.3 EBS instance view  $CONTEXT_FILE change the value for variable "s_oc4j_sesstimeout" in config file then execute the in oracle application.

That will update the "ICX: Session Timeout" Profile in applications.

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